MJL was awarded the DLA Medical ECAT Contract SPE2D1-17-D-0026

MJL Enterprises provides Medical Equipment to the U.S. Military, VA Medical Healthcare Facilities, and U.S. Government.
MSPV #36C24C19Q0034 - Syringes and Needles
MSPV #36C24C19Q0036 - Optometry
MSPV #36C24C19Q0041 - Safety Devices and Supplies
MSPV #36C24C19Q0046 - Medical Imaging
MSPV #36C24C19Q0047 - Sterilization Solutions and Supplies
MSPV #36C24C19Q0051 - Dental Supplies and Equipment
MJL Enterprises is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. We make it our business to support the people who support our Veterans. We place an emphasis on the Medical Supplies needed by our VA Medical Healthcare Facilities. We work with major manufacturers and distributors to offer thousands of the greatest variety of supplies at the lowest cost. Whether you’re looking for bandages or surgical equipment, we have you covered.

We are an important source of supply for many VA Medical Centers, Indian Health Services and the U.S. Military. We pay attention to detail to make sure our Federal Agencies get the items they need accurately, expeditiously and at the lowest cost. Let us demonstrate how we can become a trusted partner to your operation.
How To Order
Department of Veterans Affairs and DLA Buyers
MJL was awarded the DLA Medical ECAT Contract SPE2D1-17-D-0026
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